Sunday, June 17, 2018

Crisis #3: Lifetime borrowing limit is approaching and DeVry employees have teamed up with random dummies of the City of Los Angeles in pedophile activities with poor abandoned kids to rape of different male and female varieties to gain as much cash as possible and said their goal is : FOR RACHEL TO BE HOMELESS AND PREGNANT, but if "SHE RECOGNIZES WHAT WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO TO HER SINCE 20 YEARS AGO, SHE WON'T ALLOW HERSELF TO GET PREGNANT BY HIT MEN...SO WE ARRESTED RACHEL THEN SURGICALLY COMPLETED AN IN VITRO FERTILIZATION WITH MELINDA GATES TO GROW AN ANIMAL INSIDE HER UTERUS

Bachelor of Science: Justice Administration Homeland Security Student Tuition Financial Crisis Audit: Author:Rachel Lynne Sakhi, DeVry University, 06/2018, Saturday, 1:00PM (Pacific Standard Time)

Crisis #3: Borrowed $38,000 that went directly to DeVry Unversity, plus a figure skating tuition assistance program covering 30% of all tuition expenses and DeVry University has an ongoing multi billion dollar contract with the United States Olympic Committee that is activate and money released immediately upon them registering the student athlete for classes.

Employees cannot understand Rachel's English typing, writing, requests just as Tessa Holst the stalker and Assistant Dean at prior dismissed military college Kaplan University who robbed $14,000 and obsessed with Rachel failing every single class and having sexual contact with any MAN RACHEL IS IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP WITH. Pedophiling and forcing the man to prove their HAIR IS BETTER THAN RACHEL raping Rachel 19 times to STEAL AND KIDNAP A BABY using the prior fraud child protective services statements under oath whereas CHILDREN OF THE COMMUNITY BUSTED THE COURT ROOM DOORS AND FLOODED THE JUDIDICIAL SYSTEM COURTHOUSE TO PREVENT THE KIDNAPPING.

Crisis #3: Lifetime borrowing limit is approaching and DeVry employees have teamed up with random dummies of the City of Los Angeles in pedophile activities with poor abandoned kids to rape of different male and female varieties to gain as much cash as possible and said their goal is : FOR RACHEL TO BE HOMELESS AND PREGNANT, but if "SHE RECOGNIZES WHAT WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO TO HER SINCE 20 YEARS AGO, SHE WON'T ALLOW HERSELF TO GET PREGNANT BY HIT MEN...SO WE ARRESTED RACHEL THEN SURGICALLY COMPLETED AN IN VITRO FERTILIZATION WITH MELINDA GATES TO GROW AN ANIMAL INSIDE HER UTERUS so she will be...Homeless and Pregnant., which is why the leasing management keeps creating fraudulent violations of the leasing agreement IF only Rachel were homeless, with the animal that can't get delivered trapped inside her body obtained from researchers at the Melinda and Bill Gates science Foundation and James Holmes, a Colorado Scientist who was a registered research scientist in the same clinical unit as Rachel 10 years ago, as Rachel was a research scientist since the George W. Bush Administration working with hair fertilizer in Louisiana and renewable energy utilizing corn stalk, mountain lye, and electric energy for vehicles without gasoline as a federal contractor for Dick Cheney's Halliburton and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Rachel had signed an Oath of Office in Seattle, Wa in 2006 in North Seattle and in 2014 a $248,000 Teach Grant for the George Washington University in Washington, D.C., during the Obama Administration, and also recently was invited and successfully completed an application for a Scholarship through the Central Intelligence Agency and my life has not been the same ever since. Sometimes when people hide and refuse to confess to heinous crimes they commit, specialized equipment is utilized to forcibly extract information from their brain. This is a challenge, because professionals with good reputations are uncomfortable getting caught with premeditated murder, and monitoring of their thoughts when suspicion is that they are continuing to kidnap, hold hostage, and kill their serial killer victims. Thanks. All Rachel's resources have been drained, therefore Rachel is NOT THE CRIMINAL HERE. RACHEL IS THE ONE WITH MISSING HUMANS, AND SOMETHING CRAWLING INSIDE A BLACK BAG IN HER INTERIOR BUSINESS. Thanks. Notes: Rachel has been involved in Science and Research as a young scientist for the NAACP-ACT SO winning her first gold medal in science in 1995 --1996 in (VISUAL ARTISTRY utilizing her hands and graphite) with all expense paid flights and City paid cash grants managed by herself worth up to $3,000 shortly thereafter working for the University of Washington as a [visiting judge at 16 years of age] to the East Coast and competing against nearly 3,000 to 4,000 African refugee and worldwide scientists hosted by Congressional member Kwaise Mfume from Washington DC.

Crisis #3: Un Francais Baccalauréat ès sciences: Administration de la justice Homeland Security Frais de scolarité Student Crisis Audit financier: Auteur: Rachel Lynne Sakhi, Université DeVry, 06/2018, Samedi, 13h00 (heure normale du Pacifique)

Crise # 3: Notes: Rachel a été impliquée dans la science et la recherche en tant que jeune scientifique pour la NAACP-ACT SO en remportant sa première médaille d'or en sciences en 1995 - 1996 en (VISUAL ARTISTRY utilisant ses mains et graphite) Peu de temps après, elle a travaillé pour l'Université de Washington en tant que [juge invité à l'âge de 16 ans] sur la côte Est et a affronté près de 3000 à 4000 réfugiés africains et scientifiques du monde entier. Membre du Congrès Kwaise Mfume de Washington DC.

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