Bachelor of Science: Justice Administration Homeland Security Student Tuition Financial Crisis Audit: Author:Rachel Lynne Sakhi, DeVry University, 06/2018, Saturday, 1:00PM (Pacific Standard Time)
a. Failed 2 more DeVry University Classes due to Terrorists which affects ultimately the Academic "Probation" they sold pedophilia to obtain to 'feel' through their agonizing pain of watching me obtain higher education...that I am a criminal in prison and released on probation and that didn't heal their mental disease so they also require 'comfort' from Rachel's legal husband without a condom with over 60 people unprotected to cause as much emotional trauma during the 'educational experience' AND as well creating rumors that they are RAPING RACHEL'S MISSING CHILDREN WHILE PEDOPHILING KIDS IN THE COMMUNITY AND ALLOWING THEIR KIDS TO ANALLY RAPE RACHEL'S MISSING CHILDREN IN ORDER TO COMFORT THEMSELVES FROM THEIR OWN HUMILIATION as an entire family of society from Rachel excelling in higher education.
Crisis Solution:
1. Change DeVry University Degree Program reducing costs from $79,000 to $17,000 and applying the credits earned already within the same institution to the certificate program only requiring 30 credits whereas Rachel has already acquisitioned nearly 30 credits for the $40,000.
2. Slow the motion of the two F grades affecting their desperate need to say I'm on probation (academically) to ease their pain of acquisition of education.
3. And then work outside of the state of California ultimately ABANDONING MY CURRENT MARRIAGE, JUST AS ALL THE CHILDREN, RELATIVES, ETC., WERE ABANDONED, because the United States has a sickness and disease that is incurable.
Baccalauréat ès sciences: Administration de la justice Homeland Security Frais de scolarité Student Crisis Audit financier: Auteur: Rachel Lynne Sakhi, Université DeVry, 06/2018, Samedi, 13h00 (heure normale du Pacifique)
SOLUTION # 1: The solution run a high risk of not working once exposed to the American disease, and they will be sure to invent the perfect sophisticated lie of why it can't work, but they have a better idea that works for them and their food, hair gel, nails, soap, etc.
une. Échec de 2 cours universitaires de DeVry supplémentaires à cause de terroristes qui affectent finalement la "probation" académique ils ont vendu la pédophilie pour obtenir de "sentir" à travers leur douleur angoissante de me voir obtenir une éducation supérieure ... que je suis un criminel en prison et libéré en probation et cela n'a pas guéri leur maladie mentale, alors ils ont aussi besoin de 'réconfort' du mari légal de Rachel sans préservatif avec plus de 60 personnes non protégées pour causer autant de traumatisme émotionnel pendant "l'expérience éducative" ET aussi bien que des rumeurs qu'ils sont violents. DES ENFANTS MANQUANTS EN PÉDOPHILANT DES ENFANTS DANS LA COMMUNAUTÉ ET PERMETTANT À SES ENFANTS DE RASSEMBLER LES ENFANTS DISPARUS DE RACHEL AFIN DE SE CONFERER DE LEUR PROPRE HUMILIATION comme une famille entière de la société de Rachel excellant dans l'enseignement supérieur.
Solution de crise:
1. Modifier le programme de diplôme universitaire DeVry en réduisant les coûts de 79 000 $ à 17 000 $ et en appliquant les crédits déjà obtenus dans le même établissement au programme de certificat exigeant seulement 30 crédits alors que Rachel a déjà acquis près de 30 crédits pour les 40 000 $.
2. Ralentissez le mouvement des deux grades F affectant leur besoin désespéré de dire que je suis en probation (académiquement) pour alléger leur peine d'acquisition de l'éducation.
3. Et ensuite travailler

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Sunday, June 17, 2018
Crisis Solution: 1. Change DeVry University Degree Program reducing costs from $79,000 to $17,000 and applying the credits earned already within the same institution to the certificate program only requiring 30 credits whereas Rachel has already acquisitioned nearly 30 credits for the $40,000. 2. Slow the motion of the two F grades affecting their desperate need to say I'm on probation (academically) to ease their pain of acquisition of education. 3. And then work outside of the state of California ultimately ABANDONING MY CURRENT MARRIAGE, JUST AS ALL THE CHILDREN, RELATIVES, ETC., WERE ABANDONED, because the United States has a sickness and disease that is incurable.
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