club 90210 :
Pemdas magazine
Disclaimer: This website contains U.S. Safe Sport content
Who is Safe Sport?
U.S. Center for Safe Sport offers resources such as Congressional protections, downloadable guides, and training for professionals or guardians for potential victims of child sexual abuse regarding the professional sports environment (Sakhi, 06/2018).
Why is Safe Sport content on this website?

club 90210 is also known as the Beverly Hills Figure Skating Club which from the founder Rachel Lynne Sakhi, became inspired herself to compete in the past invitations of (NGB) figure skating activities (Sakhi, 06/2018).
Why is a disclaimer here?
Anytime we as professionals discuss, teach, give relevant advice, or offer consultation services whereas one organization must collaborate with another such as a National Governing Body (NGB), special requirements is the responsibility of the participant. Entities shall engage in the promotion of participant awareness, reporting strategies, and safety resources based on the sensitive issues required by law to address (Sakhi, 06/2018).
Coaching Examples of U.S. Safe Sport Code Violations
To enroll a child in a combat sport
for the intent of disguised &
abusive beating, touching,
etc. is a violation with criminal
conduct according to the U. S.
Safe Sport Code Guide (Pp. 3)
whereas an 'accidental'
puncture to the pelvis or
groin area is seen by a
physician and deemed
(DeVry U, 2018), (Sakhi, 06/2018):
swimming" (Safesport, 2018).
RAINN:: Can I Report Now?
To file a report based on suspicion whether the child sexual abuse is believed to be true or unfounded, please create a referral anonymously or it is recommended to give the who, what, when, how, and your contact information related to the child sexual abuse suspected. You may call:
- Toll free 1-800-656-HOPE
- 1-800-656-(4673)
- Thank you for your expertise.
Disciplinary Jurisdiction & USFS Governance
- The U.S. Center for Safe Sport's Disciplinary Jurisdiction: Covered Individuals and Covered Adults (Pp. 3) Source: Safesport Code (2018).
- The Athlete Ombudsman can be reached by phone: 1-800-ATHLETE, 719-866-5000, or via email:
- For more information, visit:
Conspire with Someone Like You: Dianne-CA (Democrat)
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Summary: S.534 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)>>
Conduct a state statute search today!
Senate Notes: The current reporting deadlines as of 2018 according to CA-(D) Senate member Feinstein is "3 years" however in 2017 presented a Bill to extend the minor federal sexual offense reporting deadline to 10 years after the legal age of 18 has been reached (congress, 2018).
<<State Statutes for Child Abuse: Child Welfare Information Gateway
Get involved, and conduct your very own state statutes law search for a Children's Bureau today! "Adults within the Olympic and Paralympic Movements are also required to report abuse to the U.S. Center for SafeSport"/ "Les adultes du mouvement olympique et du mouvement paralympique ont aussi l’obligation de dénoncer les abus au Centre américain de SafeSport" (SafeSport, 2018). Source
Share the big news: pemdas magazine
club 90210: pemdas magazine features local businesses and scouted talent to provide a rich channel for many artists, songwriters, singers, and performers as well as sports star hopefuls. Buy an ad space today! Become familiar with abuse in the entertainment industries, and learn your reporting responsibilities as well (SafeSport, 2018). Source:
Hate Crime & Character Defamation
club 90210 and pemdas magazine enjoy bringing awareness to those teeny tiny pestilences that have huge potential as destroying lives, its call or contact
Enjoy the holidays please!
"An individual who is required, but fails, subject to criminal penalties"
Bill History in the Congressional Record ( Web Services, 2018). |
From the Congressional Record, Volume 163 (2017)
Summary: S.534 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
What does this Congressional Bill Amendment mean? How does it relate to SafeSport and the professional sports environment?
- 115th Congress is like a police department or McDonald's franchise, whereas the location of a restaurant focuses on particular neighborhood customers and is designated to address concerns based on the issues from that location (Sakhi, 2018).
- Safe Sport initiatives became so popular based on problems recognized as a demand and Congress allows privileges to grant solutions for all those concerns that are often unaddressed, forgotten, or neglected (Sakhi, 2018).
- The federal bureau of census records and survey reports collects statistics information which assists in government monitoring of how people in crisis situations are supported, and receive retribution, legally. The professional workplace was listed as having one of the highest reporting percentages of "homicide" (Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).
(Sakhi, 2018).
What is the legal name of this Congressional Bill and the related Amendments (changes)?
S.534 - Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017
- The citation source of this Congressional Bill Change is:
- 115th Congress (2017-2018)
What age group should I be to file a report?
- "Youth" covers individuals up to the legal age of 18 inside the United States, it's territories, and possessions. In 2017 the Congressional Bill was presented by Senate. President Donald J. Trump on February 07th, 2018 reviewed Congressional Bill, and on January 30th, 2018 according to Congress (2018) "Resolving differences -- Senate actions: Senate agreed to the House amendment to S. 534 by Voice Vote. (consideration: CR S589-591)" whereas by the US President and his staff for one week was as well sincerely reviewed. Finally, approved then signed by Donald J. Trump on February 14th, 2018 and "Became Public Law No: 115-126" on February 14th, 2018: Valentine's Day (Congress, 2018).
Would you like to receive alerts about this Congressional Bill Change?
- "You will receive an alert for any updates to actions, bill text, cosponsors, or summaries" (, 2018).
US Congress. (2018). The Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress works exclusively for the United States Congress, providing policy and legal analysis to committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of party affiliation. CRS provides Congress with analysis that is authoritative, confidential, objective, and non-partisan. Retrieved from
When is the Right Time To Report Abus?
"Suspicion" is the right time (Congress, 2018). According to SafeSport Initiatives (2018) abuse doesn't need to be a reality to get reported, however if activity is odd, conspicuously uncomfortable, and pestering then suspicion is the right time. For mandatory reporters, SafeSport training gives the following scenario referred to by the name of Miss Smith.
Stephanie Smith:
"Each jurisdiction is a little different, but every state requires that an adult who believes something has happened or has a reasonable suspicion, not that you even believe, but that you have a suspicion, you need to report it" (Congress, 2018).
"Each jurisdiction is a little different, but every state requires that an adult who believes something has happened or has a reasonable suspicion, not that you even believe, but that you have a suspicion, you need to report it" (Congress, 2018).
Un Francais
"Suspicion" est le bon moment (Congrès, 2018). Selon SafeSport Initiatives (2018), l'abus ne doit pas être une réalité pour être rapporté, cependant si l'activité est étrange, ostensiblement inconfortable et harcelante alors la suspicion est le bon moment. Pour les journalistes obligatoires, la formation SafeSport donne le scénario suivant désigné par le nom de Miss Smith.
Stephanie Smith:
"Chaque juridiction est un peu différente, mais chaque État exige que si un adulte croit que quelque chose s’est produit ou a un doute raisonnable, et non que vous le pensez, vous devez avoir un doute, vous devez le signaler" (Congrès, 2018).
"Chaque juridiction est un peu différente, mais chaque État exige que si un adulte croit que quelque chose s’est produit ou a un doute raisonnable, et non que vous le pensez, vous devez avoir un doute, vous devez le signaler" (Congrès, 2018).
Reference Link:
Share Rich French & German Culture Today!
Freestyle Rush Menu: Value List
Freestyle Jumps: Specialized Training
1 Lesson (4 Lesson CD) Evil Nuisance
1/2 Flip
$21.25 usd
Edges, Posture, Safety Procedures, Equipment, Nutrition, Recovery, Expectations, Resources
Toe Loop
$21.25 usd
Edges, Posture, Safety Procedures, Equipment, Nutrition, Recovery, Expectations, Resources
Single Salchow
$21.25 usd
Edges, Posture, Safety Procedures, Equipment, Nutrition, Recovery, Expectations, Resources
Waltz Jump
$21.25 usd
Essential Foundations & History, Edges, Posture, Safety Procedures, Equipment, Nutrition, Recovery, Expectations, Resources
Play in style this Christmas holiday season with new fresh moves to showoff!
Evil Nuisance: 13 Tract Motion Film Songs 4 Lesson CD $85
Moves in The Field Masters: Coaching
Greetings to know the learner more better, and leaving you with highlights of some of the best resources in the industry.
It's Your Ice Canvas: Paint Dreams with Jackson Ultima Freestyle
Evil Nuisance is Rachel's debut music album with 13 motion film sound tract songs (13 music video episodes) including Counters, Double Three Turns, Double & 1/2 Revolution Twizzles, Edges, Change of Edge on a Curve, Brackets, Repetitious Mohawks, Choctaws, Spread Eagles, and more difficult features.
Art & Music Appreciation Seminars Nationwide
Brief group sessions with summary performances off ice.
Mobile Classroom: "A Tribute to Michael Jackson" (, 2009).
A historical timeline of the King of Pop's contribution and culture--changing milestones in American Arts and Musical Genius. Group Name: Art and Music Appreciation.
Mobile Classroom: Bring in The Noise' Bring in Da Funk History
Tribute to Tap Dance Culture of the Big Apple NYC and the Hottest Artists in the Industry: A History Lesson.
Mobile Classroom: Art & Music
Master Moves in the Field: Christmas Holidays 2018 preparation, goodies, gift ideas for parents, and .
SafeSport and the United States Olympic Committee
Famous Quotes & Inspiration
"Appreciate What You Have" (William Henry 'Bill' Gates, III, 1990).
Famous Quotes & Inspiration
"Get Up" (United States Figure Skating Association, 2018).
Coach's Education: PSA
As a former member, practicing the action of reporting is an essential character-building quality that proves the experience was well taken.
Prior Experience: USOC & Members
As a former member of the USOC
I myself, retired participants, current members, and future leaders of the United States Olympic Committee hold one blessing in common which is the opportunity to share safety procedures. I recommend the review of the SafeSport Handbook initiatives at
The Birth of PEMDAS Magazine
Great News has arrived!
As a past participant of the US Figure Skating Association with both coach and athlete training, the Pyeongchang journey for hopefuls, and PSA membership experience under my belt, I will now share as a sports journalist the news of SafeSport via PEMDAS Magazine. Many thanks. --Rachel Sakhi, Professional Sports Journalist
About Beverly Hills Figure Skating Club

Safety First! Jackson Ultima Freestyle Support Level 45
Safety First! Jackson Ultima Freestyle Support Level 45
Rachel teaches Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Basic Life Support bilingually. Rachel is eager to learn from your wealth of knowledge as well! Rachel's recommendations for a safe and healthy figure skate journey on ice is to invest in the Jackson Ultima Freestyle figure skate equipment:
Jackson Support Rating: Moderate Support -- Level 45
Single Rotation Jumps"
Single Rotation Jumps"
(Jackson, 2018).

Tackle Crime: Fun and Community Service!
Tackle Crime: Fun and Community Service!
The figure skating program is available for prison recidivism mediation whereas the special or vulnerable population, probation units, and therapeutic skate programs may heal victims of "hate and occupational organized crimes" (Schmalleger, 2014-01-01). To review the reality of terrorism in our neighborhoods worldwide and the glossary of terms associated to violence in the workplace please visit Pearson Education today.

Silhouette Bookmarks: Off Ice Training & Social Activities!
Silhouette Bookmarks: Off Ice Training & Social Activities!
Just as Martha Stewart there are great ways to make busy at home, in the kitchen, on the ice, and off the ice. Baking activities is a wonderful way to ease the burden of sports fees, reduce costs, and negotiate with stress. Frida Kahlo artwork is Rachel's specialty, and is shared with a gift of Silhouette Bookmarks to celebrate the joy and love for reading. Let's have fun with bright and vivid colors! For more information on the history of Frida please read the following article: "Through a New Exhibition..." (Forbes, June/2018).
À propos du club de patinage artistique de Beverly Hills
ReplyDeleteLa sécurité d'abord! Jackson Ultima Freestyle Niveau 45
Rachel enseigne le soutien de vie cardiaque avancé et le soutien de base de la vie bilingue. Rachel a hâte d'apprendre de votre richesse de connaissances! Les recommandations de Rachel pour un voyage de patinage artistique sûr et sain sur la glace sont d'investir dans l'équipement de patinage artistique Jackson Ultima Freestyle:
"Freestyle Fusion / Aspire XP 2190 FS2190
Jackson Support Rating: Support modéré - Niveau 45
Sauts à rotation unique "
(Jackson, 2018).
Signets Silhouette: Off Ice Training & Activités sociales!
Tout comme Martha Stewart, il y a d'excellentes façons de travailler à la maison, dans la cuisine, sur la glace et hors glace. Les activités de pâtisserie sont un excellent moyen d'alléger le fardeau des frais sportifs, de réduire les coûts et de composer avec le stress. L'œuvre de Frida Kahlo est la spécialité de Rachel, et est partagée avec un cadeau de Silhouette Signets pour célébrer la joie et l'amour de la lecture. Amusons-nous avec des couleurs vives et vives! Pour plus d'informations sur l'histoire de Frida, veuillez lire l'article suivant: "A travers une nouvelle exposition ..." (Forbes, juin / 2018).
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